Bottle Tree by David Hammock
Medium: Welded metal
Dimensions: 75x23x38
Due to the size, please contact the gallery for a shipping estimate.
About David Hammock:
Without any formal art training, Alabama native David Hammock has crafted a second career for himself with his welding skills and a knack for putting together unusual components. At age 15, he started welding and made it a trade for 20 years.
Speaking of his inspirations, he says, “When I started making artistic things – my art career really escalated. My influences are just crazy ideas that come to me and I don’t quit ‘til I’m finished. My material of choice is metal: milled steel, scrap and found metal objects.”
He also likes music and working on vintage cars and trucks. He was asked by a musician at a rock concert if he would make a guitar stand and now he supplies 10 major rock bands with funky, one of a kind guitar stands.