Plowing Field by Woodie Long
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 16x20
About Woodie Long:
b. 1942 – d. 2009
Woodrow Wilson “Woodie” Long was born in Plant City, Florida. As the son of a share-cropper, Woodie grew up moving frequently and working alongside his 11 siblings. As an adult, Woodie was employed as a painter for a construction company. He would often paint scenes on the walls and then cover them up before anyone discovered them.
One day, on a whim, he picked up his wife’s watercolors and completed three paintings. Dot recognized his innate sense of design and urged him forward. At his first show, thirty six of the forty paintings sold.
Woodie’s art is full of spontaneity and fluid color. His subject matter draws from memories of his childhood that many viewers can relate to – flying kites, jumping on beds, playing cowboys.
His art is now in the collection of many regional museums as well as in the personal collections of notables such as Tommy Lee Jones, Dan Akroyd, and the House of Blues.